Jan 24, 2006
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Nah, I think this is just sad.
Someone has actually gone to the bother of collating this and it is beyond me why, I was bored and disgusted after the first few.
Vandalism is never right and I can't see any justification in doing something like this.
Cameras are put there with public money, and it is counter productive for people to burn them to avoid a fine (unless these are the kind of people who don't pay their bills or taxes or commit benefit fraud)
If it's one person burning one camera because they thought they got caught speeding and want to avoid a fine, then it is likely they will get more than that if they get caught creating criminal damage. Breaking a law to cover up an initial offence can never be right.
If it is an individual/group damaging multiple speed cameras for 'revenge' or for kicks then that is also not a mentality that should be encouraged.
Yes we all love driving and our cars and speed limits are just that - limiting, but in general are there for a reason. we can argue the pros and cons here all we like but unless the law is changed we should abide by the law.
Sorry for the mega rant but vandalism just gets me so so so mad. :evil: :evil:
I can see why you posted this and I am sure lots of others will enjoy/find it funny, but this is a forum and I wanted to have my say too.
I could ramble on about this for ages and get more indepth but I will stop there, let the debate commence..............
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
Trophychick, yeah pretty much understand most of that, it was just a bit of fun, but i do think all gatso's should die. I say that as someone who doesn't generally speed, i think its anti social. what i do hate is the fact that these days i spend i good deal of my energy wondering where the next one is going to be even tho i am driving quite safely. I think it's about teaching people to be better drivers not yellow boxes.
Jan 24, 2006
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Johnnytheboy said:
Cameras are put there with public money

Not strictly true, trophychick: they're paid for with people's penalty fine money.

sorry, let me get this straight - the less speeding done and hence the less fines dished out - the less cameras??? works either way for me, still money from the general public, but I get your point thanks for bringing it up.

hoolio - Also agree with the getting people to be better drivers rather than watching for cameras even when we know we are doing the speed limit, not sure whether the recent debate about 1 year of driving lesons would help or not? Thanks for not blowing up at me for my rant - good to have some debate - what a gent! :wink:

I maybe don't have the same view as some of you guys down south (or other camera filled areas) to cameras, there are hardly any around where I drive on a daily basis, maybe if there were more I would start to get peed off too,

Maybe you should all come and live up here, less chance of cameras (except a1!) and more chance of spotting each other!! Ok that was a crap idea but if any of you want to visit bonny scotland...........
Apr 11, 2006
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I think you've hit the nail on the head there Trophychick, my old boss just got back from Scotland and said there were some absolutely gorgeous roads up there and he didn't see a speed camera once. If you lived down here (West Sussex, Surrey or London) you might feel differently. Personally, I don't have too much trouble with them, you know where they are and can slow down (I don't drive like a twat through built up areas anyway). I've only ever been done by a mobile one literally hiding in the bushes on a 40mph 100 yard section of a destricted road. Cnut. It's the principle of them I'm totally against and if anyone believes they are there for any other reason than to generate revenue then they're deluded. I spent a year learning to drive and think it is a brilliant idea and will save many young lives, although it is leaning towards the regulated nanny-state that many of us would like to avoid. More safety at the cost of less personal freedom. It's our choice.


May 18, 2006
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Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
i could go on for hours about this subject. really really gets my back up that people that pass their test are just left to learn about driving. Not sure if that was well explained....

example: how many people are trained on how to drive on motorways? actual time spent on a motorway? ver few, i know some are.

Stop tailgaiters and middle lane drivers. that would cut the congestion by half over night.

Teach people who are learning how to not just use the road but how to control cars. This will cut accidents by half over night and stop speeding ( by speeding i mean driving too quick for road conditions and ability)

Divert 30% of the money generated from speed cams to improve driver retraining for people who are banned.

Divet 30% of police time spent catching people doing 35 in a 30 to checking tax and insurance details - the fines will treble police funding and help lower our insurance premiums by the same.

Jan 24, 2006
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Yeah this is def a debate that can go round and round, many strong feelings on all these things.
I agree with the tax and insurance thing - we all bust a gut to get insurance, road tax and servicing and MOTs (well not quite yet for trophy's but you get my meaning!) and some people just don't bother with any of that - I say again GGRRRR :evil: :evil:
And learning to drive is a cracker - i learned to drive on the Isle of mull - there are NO motorways, NO big car parks, NO traffic lights, only one small roundabout, and very few road signs (which are irrelavent because we all knew all the roads anyway) - how could i be ready for driving after that???? To get anywhere else to drive you have to get on a ferry - which as a learner driver is a scary experience in itself, and the nearest motorway is probably the M8. (3 hours or so away)
My first mainland driving experience was probably the scariest thing ever, I'm not even sure how i managed to survive without mangling myself and other road users. I think I am definately for changes in the learning to drive legislation, maybe on road hours or types of conditions driven in? And maybe there should be compulsory classes in driving courtesy, just a thought.......
Jan 24, 2006
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Cool, I had no idea that something like that existed - will check it out more thoroughly when i get time.