New Trophy Owners - Please Read


ClioTrophy Moderator
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Trophy No.
Hi Everyone.

If you have just purchased a Clio Trophy then please take the time to register it on our database. You will need to be registered on the site in order to do this so please take the time to do that also if you haven't already. If you wish to remain anonymous then that's fine, just let us know that it's out there and still alive!

The link to the Trophy register is here:

Please have a look through the register to see if your Trophy has been registered previously, post in that thread if that's the case. If not then please click on 'post new thread' at the top of the page and title it with your Trophy number. You can add whatever information you like, most people enter their name, location, mileage, mods etc..

Together we have managed to register many of the 550 Trophy's sold but there are still some out there somewhere unregistered on our forum. We would like to have it as complete as possible, even if it's just to say it's scrapped.

For all the current owners who have registered, thank you for keeping the register up to date.

Many Thanks
Clio Trophy :up:
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